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Throwback Thursday: 5 Helpful Tips to Organize Your Closet

By Erika, Resident Fashionista

If you’re anything like me, you’re wishing spring would have already sprung by now! One way I like to get ready for spring is by not only switching to a warm weather wardrobe but also by cleaning and organizing my closet.

It doesn’t matter if you have a new custom closet or are simply working with what you’ve got – the helpful tips in this week’s #throwbackthursday post will surely help the closet organization process!

How else do you guys get ready for spring? Share your tips in the comments below!

5 Helpful Tips to Organize Your Closet

I get it.  Organizing your closet can be a total pain in the butt!   Definitely a more painful process than most of us would like it to be.  But, it doesn’t have to be!  Taking the time to organize your closet makes getting dressed easier and transitioning between seasons so much easier.  Using my closet as an example, here are some of my most helpful tips to help make organizing your closet just a tad bit easier.

1. Use Baskets or Storage Boxes

If you have odds and ends (think belts, scarves, baseball hats and caps, flip flops, etc.) use baskets to store them in your closet.  This is helpful because it keeps all of the bits and bobs (a little term I picked up working in London last year) contained in one place and it makes excellent use of your space.

2. Keep Seasonal Items and Staple Items Folded on Shelves

I tend to hang most of my clothes because it is easier for me to see what I’m working with.  However, it can totally be a pain to always have to switch clothes off the hangers during my seasonal wardrobe switch.  So now, I keep some seasonal items – like shorts, capris, heavy sweaters, etc. – folded on my top shelves for easy transition.  I just remove one folded pile and replace with another during my seasonal closet switch.

I also keep some “all season” staples – think pashmina scarves, plain t-shirts and cardigans – folded on my top shelves.  Because I wear them often (all the time really) I like to have easy access.

3. Hang Like Clothes in the Same Section

People build outfits different ways.  Some people start with their shoes and build from the bottom up.  Others, like me, start with the base (pants, a skirt, a dress) and build that way.  No matter how you build your wardrobe, if you keep everything in the same section it will be easier to build your ensemble on a daily basis.  What do I mean?  Well, I keep all of my skirts, pants and jeans on one side of the closet.  Jackets and blazers are in a different section.  Dresses have their own section.  And all of my tops have their own section.  Regardless of the season I know where to find those pieces in my closet.  It makes it really, really easy to pull together matching and complimentary pieces.  I also take it so far as to organize them by style.  As an example, all of my casual tanks, graphic t-shirts and work tops are sectioned off.  So, when I’m dressing for the office I know exactly where to pull my favorite blouses.

4. Use Over Door Coat Hangers for Items Other Coats

I probably have more coat racks than any normal person should.  And, none of them actually hold coats!  I use one on my bedroom door for towels and bathrobes.  I have another that hangs inside my closet for belts.  Belts are often tricky to store.  You need to be able to see them and have easy access; however, they can often be messy and take up room on hangers or get tangled in drawers and baskets.  An over door coat rack was the perfect solution!  Think about grabbing some for your home to store belts, necklaces, scarves or even purses!

5. Keep Your Favorite Items on Display

Items in my closet get favorite status one of two ways: they are worn over and over (and over and over and over) or they’re really pretty to look at (shallow, but whatever).  I like keeping my favorite items on display because it provides easy access to the items that I wear on a regular basis.  Instead of having to dig through drawers or shoe boxes I can easily and quickly grab my favorite pieces and go.  And, looking at my prettiest pieces on display just makes me smile.  No, I may not get to wear my fascinator from Paris all the time, but just looking at it brings a smile to my face.

These are just a few of the ways that I organize my closet.  What helpful tips do you have to organize your closet?  Share them in the comments section below!

The YCS Styling Agency,

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