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January 2013 Fashion Challenge

It’s a new year and we’re going to have lots of GREAT fashion challenges!  Even though the holidays are over, the weather outside is still rather frightful!  Chunky, cozy, knit sweaters are still all the rage and we want to see how you guys are wearing yours.

Chain link sweater in mustard by Joe Fresh. I’ve been rocking this sweater ever since the fall. Love!

Your January 2013 Fashion Challenge: Rock winter’s hottest sweaters and snap a pic of yourself wearing it.  If you don’t own one, your challenge is to go out and get one!  Bonus: They will be on sale as stores start to get rid of winter inventory to make room for springtime frocks!

You know the rules:

  1. Snap your pic
  2. Share it with us on Instagram (@YourChicisShowing), Twitter (@urchicisshowing), Facebook ( or via email (
  3. Use the hashtag #ycsfashionchallenge so that everyone will be able to see your fabulous sweaters!
  4. Let your chic show!

We’ll be checking in periodically and sharing reader photos, so be sure to get yours in! Ready. Set. Show (your chic)!

The YCS Styling Agency,

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