4 Tips to Avoid a Quarantine Style Rut

By Erika, Stylist + Fashion Educator

I don’t know about you, but I have stopped counting how many days/weeks I’ve been home social distancing/self-quarantining. I just know, it’s been a LOT! I also know that when you’re working from home, eating at home, schooling at home, living at home, happy houring at home, and doing everything else at home it is really easy to give up on “outside” clothes and get into a style rut. 

On my Instagram account, I’ve been sharing style tips to help avoid a style rut. But, if you don’t follow me on Instagram, don’t feel like going back to find them, or simply want a refresher then look no further than right here! Here are 4 tips to help you avoid a quarantine style rut.

  1. Dress in Head-to-Toe Monochrome

To feel chic and streamlined at home, dress in head-to-toe monochrome. For example, a gray sweater, slate leggings, and grey socks with a long grandpa cardigan is a cute way to be comfortable but not feel like a mess. You also don’t have to save the monochrome look for neutrals. Grab a rich color like wine (pictured) or a bright color like yellow or cobalt blue. 

  1. Find Your Happy Place

Go through your closet and select a capsule of pieces you associate with happy emotional memories. Then wear them in fresh ways. These are weird times and socially isolating: at the very least, you can wear your favorite honeymoon dress to have coffee in your breakfast nook.  Personally, I’ve been breaking out my “Muva of Dragons” jacket from my maternity shoot every chance I get — you know, to the mailbox, the trash can, to grab groceries that were dropped off at the end of the driveway. I felt so beautiful and glamorous that day – it’s a fun reminder of the excitement and anticipation leading up to the arrival of baby James!

  1. Play Dress-Up

This is the perfect time to experiment with those pieces in your wardrobe that have challenged you the most. Got a dress you’ve never known how to style? Reach for it and simply play dress-up like a kid in mom’s closet. There are no stakes when you’re literally not leaving the house. The best way to figure out what you like and don’t, and why, is to try things. Just start reaching for things and assessing them in the mirror to study and learn what works and what doesn’t. Get to know your taste! The best way to develop your unique style is to understand your own eye and instincts better, which only happens with experimentation and trial & error. There has never been a better time to get to know yourself. I had a sequined jacket that had been hanging in my closet for MONTHS! I finally broke out the jacket and played dress-up until I found a couple of new ways to style it. 

  1. Challenge Your Style

Set getting-dressed themes to challenge yourself to dress creatively and push past your normal style routine. Wake up and tell yourself that next Monday you’re dressing like it’s tropical cruise ship week. Tuesdays are for all black. Woodstock (or the festival of your choice) Wednesdays. Break out your happy hour attire for Thirsty Thursdays. Then finish off the week with some Fri-yay Fashion and add something fun and festive to your work from home gear. Alternatively, set little challenges such as: “this week, I have to wear all of my denim pants a different way,” or “this week, my style challenge is to wear a vest with two outfits I put together.”⠀

The last week of my I did exactly this and it was so much fun!! Check out some of the looks I pulled together!

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