YCS Around the Web

By Erika, Resident Fashionista

Hey guys and dolls, I know on Wednesday I promised the female companion to Donte’s post about what men should wear to a summer wedding. Well, I’m pushing that post back to Monday. But with good reason. Besides a whole bunch of blog/web analytics crap that you don’t actually care about (I’m slowly, like really slowly, becoming an analytics freak) the main reason is because YCS has some awesome things going on!

From Our Contributors

Our own make-up maven Torrey has put up a few new posts on her blog Corporate Beauty. That’s right, in addition to working full-time, writing for YCS, doing accounting and things for YCS (it’s a business, ya’ll) she also manages her own blog. I have no idea how she manages to do all that, buy the newest, hottest make-up and keep her face looking beat. to. the. gawds. at all times!

Around the Web

If you head over to the blog at Skinny Minority you might find a familiar face there today! I’ve been checking out Karima’s blog and site for quite some time – long before I had the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her. To tell you that it is flattering to be featured as her “Look of the Week” would pretty much be the understatement of the century. It is beyond flattering! Anytime one of my “blidols” (blogging idols) takes notice of anything I’m doing it sends chills straight up and down my spine. It’s the same feeling I get when Kelly of Kelly Golightly likes a YCS photo on Instagram. I totally go into “fan girl” mode!
Upcoming Events

Remember the Chasing Joy Brunch and Learn I wrote about in April? Well, the first one was a rousing success!!! And, I’m honored to let you all know that I’ll be one of the two featured speakers at the upcoming Chasing Joy Brunch and Learn on Saturday, August 3, 2013. Yup! You read that right!

Come out and learn:
1. How to dress for success – no matter what success looks like to you
2. The secret success weapons that should be in every woman’s closet
3. The most important thing you should wear every day
As an added bonus, on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 8:00 pm we will be hosting a #CJBL Twitter Chat discussing the upcoming brunch and learn and answering some reader questions. To join us all you have to do is get on “the Twitter” (that’s what my aunt called it), follow the hashtag #CJBL and join in the fun! Make sure you’re following YCS (@urchicisshowing), Chasing Joy (@chasing_joy) and Janeane Davis (@janeanedavis) to join the fun!

You can get details on the Chasing Joy website and also register for the event.

See? I told you we’ve got some GREAT things going on! I’ll be back Monday with the answer to that oh so annoying question, “what do I wear?” Until then, have a fabulous weekend loves!

The YCS Styling Agency,

Erika's Signature